Yesterday I participated in an event called DRI TRI for the first time as an ass…
Yesterday I participated in an event called DRI TRI for the first time as an ass…
I attended coach Sae’s class yesterday. The members and staff of Orangethe…
皆さん、腸活はしていますか? 私は先日、腸活栄養アドバイザーの資格を取得しました。 腸内環境はダイエットだけでなく健康状態に影響を及ぼす大事な要素だからです。 …
I have completed the script for my next online lesson. Since the previous less…
Coach Eri attended my class yesterday. She is one of the coaches that I know who…
I had an online Pilates class yesterday. In yesterday’s class, we did a lo…
On September 18th and 19th, a very popular event called Dri Tri will be held at …
次回のオンラインレッスンの内容がほぼ決まりました。 しなやかで強い体幹だけでなく、美脚・美尻も手に入れちゃいましょう! メガロスLEANBODYでは、私…
I had a big challenge with Coach Yu in Coach Agu’s class. We timed ourselv…
I had an online Pilates class yesterday. It’s been cool ever since Septemb…