I have completed more than half of the script for my next online lesson. Since…
I have completed more than half of the script for my next online lesson. Since…
【レッスンスケジュール】 2021年10月以降のグループレッスンのうち、公開されているクラスのスケジュールです。 パーソナルトレーニングの枠につきましては、直接…
I had an online Pilates class yesterday. In yesterday’s class, we did a lo…
I attended coach Sae’s class yesterday. The members and staff of Orangethe…
I have completed the script for my next online lesson. Since the previous less…
I had an online Pilates class yesterday. In yesterday’s class, we did a lo…
次回のオンラインレッスンの内容がほぼ決まりました。 しなやかで強い体幹だけでなく、美脚・美尻も手に入れちゃいましょう! メガロスLEANBODYでは、私…
I had an online Pilates class yesterday. It’s been cool ever since Septemb…
I have almost completed the script for my next online lesson. It’s been co…
I taught an online Pilates class. The theme of the class was the spine, and we m…