My husband was finally able to buy the popular canned beer. When he opened the l…
My husband was finally able to buy the popular canned beer. When he opened the l…
毎週火曜日に私が担当しているオンラインレッスンでは、ピラティスというエクササイズに様々なバリエーションを加えてお伝えしています。 明日のクラスでは、ベーシックな…
We celebrated because one of the members of Orangetheory Fitness Mitaka attended…
Yesterday, I was in charge of classes at Orangetheory Fitness Hachioji. It was F…
I received an original T-shirt and cap from Japan’s Orangetheory Fitness h…
昨日夜のクラスを担当したAGUヘッドコーチと午後のクラスを担当したYUUコーチと午前中のクラスを担当した私🍊🍊🍊 ご参加くださいました皆さま、ありがとうございま…
I applied for an assessment that is only open to people who are interested. I th…
Yesterday we did endurance training at Orangetheory Fitness, and I conducted the…
I have participated in the classes at Orangetheory Fitness Hachioji more than 20…
I conducted my online Pilates lesson yesterday. The theme of yesterday’s c…